
Welcome back to Chicken Time! Chicken Time is a simple mobile game reminiscent of Snake.

We’ll be posting a series of tutorials every weekday! At the end of the series, you’ll have your own version of Chicken Time that you can play on any Android mobile device 😉

Missed the first part of this tutorial series? You can check it out right here!


If you want to jump right into this tutorial without having to set up your own environment, or you just want to follow exactly what we did, go ahead and import this package into your project. It contains all the assets you’ll need, along with a ready-to-use scene!

Note: Import the Post-Processing package using the Unity Package Manager after importing the aforementioned package.

A picture showing where to enable preview packages in Unity.

If you can’t find it, make sure that “Show preview packages” is enabled!

In today’s tutorial, we’ll be covering how to make snazzy menus, and exporting our completed game to Android devices.

This is the final entry in this tutorial series! Strap in and let’s finish this with a bang!


Before we get started…

Import the required assets! Our lovely in-house artist Nicole drew a beautiful illustration to use in the start menu, you can download the Unity Package here.

Also, if you’re sad that the series is ending, don’t be! We have a little something at the end for you to keep and display to remember us by 😉 

So make it past this last stretch to see what’s waiting for you!

Step 1: Menu UI

Let’s add a menu to our game! Create a new scene to contain the start menu UI and call it ‘Start Menu’.

A picture showing how to create a new scene.

Drag and drop the StartMenu_Canvas prefab into the scene. It can be found under Prefabs > Screens.

A picture showing where to find the screen.

It should look like this.

A picture showing the canvas.

Next, add a play button to the screen. You can find it under Prefabs > Buttons.

A picture showing where to find the button.

You can follow our settings for the button placement here.

A picture showing our button settings.

If you have imported the Unity Packages, you can find the ‘LoadLevel’ script under Assets > Scripts.

A picture showing where to find the scripts.

If you have not imported the Unity Packages, create a script called ‘LoadLevel’. 

Add the lines ‘using UnityEngine.UI;’ and ‘using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;’ before the class declaration.

Add in these variables.

A picture showing the variables to add.

You can copy them here:

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class LoadLevel : MonoBehaviour



[SerializeField] private GameObject loadingScreen;

[SerializeField] private Slider loadingProgressSlider;

Wouldn’t it be neat to add a little egg slider?

A picture showing the egg slider.Let’s add a coroutine.

A picture showing the coroutine to add.

  • In line 31, it loads the game scene asynchronously (in the background)
  • In lines 33 to 39, it updates a slider, which is the loading progress bar based on the amount loaded.


You can copy the method here:

//update loading progress bar

IEnumerator LoadAsynchronously (int sceneIndex)


//load the scene asynchronously

AsyncOperation asyncLoad = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneIndex);

while (!asyncLoad.isDone)


//update the progress slider

loadingProgressSlider.value = asyncLoad.progress / .9f;

yield return null;



Next, add this method in.

A picture showing the method to add.

  • In line 19, it activates the loading screen.
  • In line 22, it calls the coroutine that will update the loading progress bars and switch scenes from menu to game when done loading. 

You can copy it here:

//start loading the level

public void StartLoad(int sceneIndex)


//open the loading screen


//update the loading bar



Create an empty game object. This will be our UI Manager — it will hold all the scripts the buttons will use. It’s always good to have a main game object to handle scripts whenever possible, so it’s easier to locate and change scripts!

A picture showing how to create an empty game object.

Add the ‘LoadLevel’ script to the game object.

A picture showing how to add the script.

Drag and drop the LoadingScreen_Canvas prefab into the scene. Again, it can be found under Prefabs > Screens.

    A picture showing where to find the canvas.    A picture showing what the canvas contains.    

Drag and drop the LoadingScreen_Canvas and the Slider (child) into the respective fields in the LoadLevel script component on the UI Manager.

A picture showing where to drag the canvas and slider.

Now, let’s piece together the game. Add the ‘Start Menu’ scene and ‘Chicken Game Scene’ to the build. You can do this by going to File < Build settings.

A picture showing where to find the build settings.

Drag and drop the two scenes from the project window into the ‘Scenes in Build’ section of the Build Settings.

A picture showing the default build settings.    A picture showing the scenes in the build.

Next, we’ll add functionality to the play button. 

First, select the play button in the start menu. In the Inspector, check its ‘Button’ component.

A picture showing the button settings.

Under ‘On Click()’, press the + button to add a function to the button. Drag and drop the UI Manager game object from the hierarchy to the ‘None (Object)’ field.

A picture showing the OnClick() method.    A picture showing the OnClick() method with an object.

Next, assign the StartLoad(int) method to the button.

A picture showing the method to add.

We want this button to load the game scene, so we need to change the number (next to the game object field) to the index of the game scene. 

Note: You can check the index of the scenes in the Build Settings (File > Build Settings).

A picture showing the scene indexes.    A picture showing the OnClick() method with the number.

As our game scene is index 1, we’ve changed the number to 1.

Step 2: Adding Buttons

Let’s add two buttons to the game over screen — one button to take the player back to the start menu, and another to let them replay the level.

First, add the Button_menu and Button_repeat prefabs to the EndScreen_Canvas. The buttons can be found under Assets > Prefabs.

A picture showing where to find the buttons.Here’s how we positioned ours!

A picture showing our button placements.

Just like before, create an empty game object labelled ‘UI Manager’ and add the ‘LoadLevel’ script to the game object. 

Drag and drop the LoadingScreen_Canvas prefab into the scene. It can be found under Assets > Prefabs > Screens.

A picture showing where the screens are.

Drag and drop the LoadingScreen_Canvas and the Slider childed to it into the respective fields in the LoadLevel component on the UI Manager.

A picture showing the variables.

As before, let’s add functionality to the buttons.

We want Button_menu to lead to the start menu scene, so we left the number at 0. This is the index number of the start menu scene in our build. The replay button should reload the same game scene, so we changed the number to 1.

A picture showing the scene indexes.    A picture showing the OnClick() method with the number.

Step 3: Winning and ending

What if the player wins the game? No end screen pops up then. Let’s repurpose our code a bit so that the end screen pops up when the player wins and leaves the restaurant.

Edit the ‘ChickenStats’ script and add in a new array.

A picture showing the array to add.

You can copy it here:

private Component[] endScreenText;

 A picture showing the method to add.
Create a new method.

  • In line 95, it activates the end screen
  • From lines 86 to 91, it changes the text displayed in the end screen. This is based on what string is passed into it.

Feel free to copy the method here:

//changes the text displayed in the endscreen

public void ShowEndScreen(string textToDisplay)


//get the child of the canvas that has the text component

endScreenText = endScreenCanvas.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>();


//change the text of the identified children to textToDisplay

foreach(Text textBox in endScreenText)


textBox.text = textToDisplay;



//enable the end screen



We no longer need the GameFail method to activate the end screen in the hierarchy since this method does that too. So replace the content in the GameFail method with this.

A picture showing the method to change.

You can copy it here:

//method to call when game is lost

public void GameFail()


//ensure that the text displayed is “Game Over :(”

ShowEndScreen(“Game Over :(“);


We’d like the end screen to appear with the words ‘You Win! :)’ when the player successfully collects the minimum amount of eggs required and escapes.

First, create an empty game object, or a cube. Add three colliders to the object and set all three of them as trigger zones.

A picture showing the three colliders (triggers).

If you have imported the Unity Packages, edit the script ‘RestaurantExitListener’. It can be found under Assets > Scripts.

If you have not imported the Unity Packages, create a script called ‘RestaurantExitListerner’.

A picture showing the method to add.

In order to get the end screen to appear with the aforementioned congratulatory phrase when the chicken enters the trigger zones, we have to add in this method.

A picture showing the method.

Feel free to copy it here:

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)




other.gameObject.GetComponent<ChickenStats>().ShowEndScreen(“You Won! :)”);



Step 4: Exporting the game

We can’t end this without exporting the game, so let’s do that!

Open up the build settings and switch the target platform to Android. You can do this by going to File > Build Settings. 

A picture showing where to find build settings.    A picture showing how to switch the platform to Android.

Select ‘Build’ and an APK will be downloaded. Now, you can transfer the APK to your phone and install it in!

A picture showing the transferred APK.    A picture showing the downloaded APK.   

We’ve finally come to the end of our tutorial series, thank you and congratulations on following us on this journey! Now, you too have your own Chicken Time to play with!

The loading screen code was based off of the official Unity Documentation on Asynchronous loading, we recommend you check it out to get a better understanding.

Remember the surprise we mentioned at the start? We’ve uploaded a link to a downloadable chicken time wallpaper, it can only be found in our bio @noodletsstudio! If you’ll miss us, then feel free to drop us a message there or check out the game we’re currently working on!

It has been a lovely journey with you, thank you for following us in Chicken Time, we really appreciate it!

Stay tuned for one last article, where we share about our thoughts and reflections during these hectic times!


If you’re interested in finding out more about the game dev process, do follow our Instagram page @noodletsstudio! Not only will we be posting updates on the game we’re developing, we’ve also been putting up handy dandy tutorials on different aspects of game development. Currently, we have some tutorials on simple particle effects and mobile joystick movement up! Do check us out 😉

About Amphibi Studio

Amphibi Studio is studio led by students dedicated to creating explosive fun, emergent gameplay productions.

Mentors provide real-life guidance to cultivate students in creating their own games, interactive works or animation productions.

Blk 31, Level 7
School of InfoComm Technology
Ngee Ann Polytechnic